Raysbrite Institute of Music, located in Princeton of the New York metropolitan area, provides pre-college music programs dedicated to nurture musical talent in students 4–18 years old. The faculty are graduated from prestigious music conservatories in the United States including The Juilliard School and Manhattan School of Music in New York City or are professional musicians.

The students ever taught by the Institute's faculty have won numerous music competition awards, and have performed in the world's best music venues including the Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Kaufman Music Center in New York City, and some of these students are young musicians from the Pre-College of The Juilliard School and the Pre-College of Manhattan School of Music.

The Institute trains all students professionally from the beginning, and both in-person or online music lessons are offered for students either living in the New York metropolitan area or far across the world. The in-person lessons are given to students who can come to the studios while online lessons are given through Skype, Zoom, WeChat, or other video conferencing tools.

瑞百音乐学校 (Raysbrite Institute of Music), 位于纽约大都市区的普林斯顿, 致力于培养4-18岁学生的音乐天赋, 为学生们提供大学预科水平的音乐课程。教师均毕业于美国著名的音乐学院如纽约茱莉亚音乐学院、曼哈顿音乐学院或者是职业音乐家。

学校教师指导过的学生曾获得无数的音乐比赛奖项, 并在卡内基音乐厅、林肯中心、纽约市考夫曼音乐中心等顶级音乐场馆演出。学生中还包括来自茱莉亚音乐学院大学预科和曼哈顿音乐学院大学预科的少年音乐天才。

学校从开始就对所有学生进行专业训练, 可以为居住在纽约大都市区或世界各地的学生提供面对面或线上音乐课。面对面的音乐课只提供给能够到教师工作室来上课的学生, 而在线音乐课通过Skype, Zoom, 微信视频, 或其他视频会议软件工具提供给有网络链接的世界任何地方的音乐学生。